Organic Recipes

Dalmatian Lenten Cabbage Soup - Broeta de Verza de Magro

  • This meatless soup was the traditional beginning of Dalmatian Vigil meals, especially Christmas Eve, when the chill of the Bora (a strong wind from the east) gives cabbage added bite. It calls for fish broth, which the cook would have had on hand because boiled fish is one of the standard second courses of a Vigil meal.

    Prep Time: 30 minutes
    Cook Time: 45 minutes


    • Savoy cabbage (amounts given below)
    • Potatoes
    • One onion
    • Fish broth (from boiling a fish, or canned)
    • Garlic
    • A bay leaf
    • Bread
    • Salt and pepper


    Dice into half-inch (1-cm) cubes a head of Savoy cabbage, two peeled potatoes, and an onion.

    Simmer the vegetables until tender in the broth from boiling the fish (strain it first), adding a minced clove of garlic, a bay leaf, and salt and pepper to taste to the pot.

    While the soup is cooking, toast several slices of bread. Line your soup bowls with them, ladle the soup over it, and serve.

    Serves 4

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